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If a students think that Paper Evaluator gave him less marks as compared to he has done well in his paper, then he applies for Re-evaluation. His paper will re-evaluate. Students has to apply for Re-evaluation within time as per rules of University after declare result of his course. To apply for Re-evluation in Punjabi Univeristy Patiala student has to apply online on webiste of Punjabi University Patiala. After create Login Account, he has to fill online form, upload online result copy, pay requisite fee and upload receipt.
Visit official website of Punjabi University Patiala, Click on link 'ਪ੍ਰੀਖਿਆਵਾਂ' and then third link in list.
Click on link 'ਮੁੜ ਮੁਲਾਂਕਣ ਫਾਰਮ (Re-Evaluation Form)'
Click on 'Login/Register'
Read all instructions carefully given on Webiste, If visit first time Click on 'Create account'
Create username as same as your email id. Click 'Create Account' after filling all columns
'User Created Successfully' message will be shown, Click on 'Login' link
Login with 'User Email' and 'Password' you just created.
First of all Create Profile so click on 'Profile'
Fill your correct details here, dummy data used in this blog to show you.
Click on 'Update' button after fill your correct details
'User Profile Updated Successfully' messege will be shown.
Click on 'Home' link and then click on link 'Reevaluation Form'
Kindly read all important instruction carefully
Kindly check information filled in the Profile section, if anything wrong correct it now, afterwards Profile details could not be edited.
As per Punjabi University Patiala rules Re-evaluation form can be filled maximum for two subjects. If your want Re-evaluation for Option Subjects like - Maths/Physics/Chemistry etc in which there are three options in each paper - you have to select 'Option Subject' column as 'Yes', In 'Reevaluation Paper' column select the number of re-evaluation papers, now it can be more than two (because of Option papers), Fee will calculate according to number of papers.
If subjects are not Option Papers for re-evaluation then select 'Option Subject' column as 'No', In 'Reevaluation Paper' column select the number of re-evaluation papers, now it can't be more than two, Fee will calculate according to number of papers.
Fill details of your Re-evaluation Papers, If rows are more/less, add/remove (by click on - Add rows/x) as per need, after fill - check carefully n click on 'Submit' button
To upload Online result copy click on 'Proceed to Upload Documents'
Documents to be uploaded should be in pdf format n below 1 Mb in size per document, to see sample of document click on 'Please see the sample page before uploading document'
After uploaded 'Online Result PDF' can check by click on 'View' button and can remove by click on 'Remove' button, to upload again, if needed.
Click on radio button and then click on 'Save and Print'
Notedown the Application No. showing against - 'Your Application No.' (Applicatin no. would be required while paying fee) To pay fee click on button 'Click Here to Deposit fee online', if you have already paid fee then check on declaration checkbox n upload the receipt.
In Address Bar replace .com to .sbi as in image above
Click on link 'Educational Institutions'
Search with 'Punjabi University' n Click on 'Punjabi University - Transcript/Migration etc'
Select 'Revaluation' in the Drop-down list
In column - 'University Form no./Application No.' - put your Application No. as showing in your application, fill all other columns with your proper details, can write remarks if you want in 'Remarks' column
After fill all columns, check detail n click on 'Next' button.
Check all your details again, if ok then click on 'Next'
There are several options for payment of fee on this page, like Internet Banking, Debit Card, Credit Card, UPI etc. through you fee can pay fee. For payment through UPI you can click on link as shown in image above.
For payment through QR code, click on the QR code as shown in Image above, After pay fee download your fee receipt in pdf format
To upload fee receipt, in your login, on Home Page in the last column click on 'Upload Fee Receipt'
In column 'SBI Collect reference no.' fill reference no. showing in your fee receipt, fill all other columns, upload fee receipt n click on 'Submit'
To check uploaded receipt click on 'View' link n to upload again click on 'Remove' if needed
If in 'Status' column showing - 'Submitted And Under Process' it means your application is submitted and is under process, after check by University your application - 'Status' column will show 'accepted', If 'Status' column shows 'Hold' then 'Message' column will show reason for Hold, after clear discrepency in form submit again, After submit Re-evaluation form, check your application Status regularly
Re-evaluation Fees of Punjabi Univertsity Patiala is ₹ 500 per paper and form cost is ₹ 100.
Maximum limit for paper for Re-evaluation from Punjabi Univertsity Patiala is two, If subject with options like - Chemistry has three option papers- three papers will consider as single paper, but fee will charge seperately for each option paper.
Re-evaluation result of Punjabi Univertsity Patiala generally takes 2 to 6 months.
If Re-evaluation result for your paper has yet not declare by Punjabi Univertsity Patiala you can fill Re-appear form as per dates schedule to fill Examination forms issued by Punjabi University Patiala, or fill form as per circular issued (if any) in this regard by University.
You can fill Re-evaluation form within 14 days from declaration of result, after 14 days with late fee of 500 within next 7 days.
In Re-evaluation it is not sure that marks will increase, marks can decrease also and new marks will be considered for your paper.
In 'Re-evaluation' Answer Sheet is re-evaluated by another evaluator and marks can be different from as obtained before whereas in 'Re-checking' Answer sheet can only be seen/checked by the candidate and nothing will be changed in marks.
Note: The information provided on this website is for general information purposes only for more / latest information visit / contact Punjabi University Patiala / official websites.